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Solutions Brochures


With Firebar Conferencing, first response teams and safety organizations can conduct conference sessions during emergencies with both internal and external agencies. All Firebar conferences are automatically recorded.A useful tool for training purposes or situation debriefs.

Higher Education

With conferencing, administrators, safety or police organizations can conduct internal conference sessions to gather information and coordinate response plans. Additional participants can be added from a predefined list or added on an ad-hoc basis.

K-12 Campuses

With Firebar Conferencing administrators, safety organizations and police can have internal conference sessions during emergencies. For everyday use dial in numbers can be given to parents for ‘one to many’ discussions with teachers.

Local Government

With Firebar Conferencing administrators, safety organizations, police and fire can have internal conference sessions during emergencies. For everyday use utilize the ‘meet me’ conferencing capabilities for regularly scheduled planning meetings.

RFCS Presentation

Ringdown Firebar Conference Server Operation