XOP Networks Powers Airport Crash Nets in Increasing Numbers

The resent increase in Crash Net deployments seems to be related to an increase in the failure rate of the Tellabs 291/292 Firebar systems which are no longer supported.

XOP Networks, Inc., a manufacturer of Emergency Communications Equipment and Audio Conference Bridges deploys another one of its Ringdown Firebar Crashnet System(RFCS) at a regional airport in New York State.

Ringdown Firebar Conference Systems are typically deployed as “Crash Nets” at military and commercial airports and at manufacturing plants that are prone to emergency situations, e.g., Chemical plants, Oil and Gas installations, Nuclear power stations among others. The system allows an individual close to the emergency situation to simply lift the handset on any one of the RFCS connected phones and trigger a dial out to other Red Phones. As first responders answer these calls they are automatically placed into a conference with the initiator.

“Our Ring down Firebar Conference Server product is a robust Linux based platform that is designed to fulfill the emergency conferencing needs of first responders. It’s distributed FXS to VoIP gateway based architecture not only allows the use of typical analog emergency ‘Red Phones’ but also allows our customers to use VoIP/SIP phones as they plan their migration towards packet based networks,” said Sudhir Gupta, CEO of XOP Networks.

“The resent increase in Crash Net deployments seems to be related to an increase in the failure rate of the Tellabs 291/292 Firebar systems which are no longer supported. Our RFCS is not only functionally equivalent to Tellabs 291/292 but also adds additional capabilities that further promote quick communication when it is needed the most,” added Doug Jacobs, VP of Sales, XOP Networks.

About XOP Networks

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, XOP Networks was founded in January 2003 and is backed by a seasoned management team. Deployed at multiple Cellular Operators, Fortune 100 companies, CLEC/IOC customers, Government organizations, DOD networks (Air Force, Army and Navy) XOP Networks' products allow customers to boost employee productivity, increase business efficiency and enhance emergency communications. Having both TDM and VoIP interfaces, XOP products allow customers to seamlessly transition their value added services from legacy circuit switched networks to VoIP based packet switched networks.

XOP Networks' Ring Down Firebar Crashnet System continues to successfully replace Tellabs 291/292 Firebar equipment.